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Finding Inspiration at Work, Post Pandemic

Now that we are back at work post pandemic, you have come back and are trying to find a renewed sense of value at work. We want to find meaning in our jobs. We want to refocus, and we want to have purpose. Well how do I do that?

The Great Resignation

In November of 2019 I worked for as a Director of Real Estate and Property Management. I made good money, good career, and felt valued. I was happy with my career until Covid 19 hit...

Baller Shot Caller

What does that even mean? Well for those who do not know, a baller is a great basketball player and shot caller is a military marksman who hits its target...

Leaders Leave Post Pandemic, Drop the Mic

I have heard this from across the board from many of my colleagues, they are leaving their jobs post pandemic...

The Great Resignation

In November of 2019 I worked for as a Director of Real Estate and Property Management.  I made good money, good career, and felt valued.  I was happy with my career until Covid 19 hit.  News hit that a virus was taking over China.   Then in March 2020, as everyone knows, America shut down. 

Adjusting to the dramatic shift to online learning and online work was just the start of a very isolating and trying time for everyone.  We did not have enough internet bandwidth, everyone kept getting knock off the internet during class or meetings.  The dogs were barking constantly, not used to everyone being home.  My two girls hit the tender middle school years and were now isolated.  

Simultaneously, my husband and I were deemed essential workers, hence, not at home to monitor my children.  Their grades dropped as did their sunny disposition.  I was being called at work with them crying because they were stressed about school and very lonely.  It broke my heart.  I had a flexible boss, but it was not enough.  The guilt weighed on me. My physical and mental health declined.  At work, it was strained, we have ½ the staff, but expected to still perform.  However, everything was shut down, resources were tight.  Blah, blah, blah. 


I had been taking an executive coaching class to jump start my business after retirement.  Except, everything I was learning became more valuable now.  One of the best things I was learning was “self-care.”   Part of my self-care was making time in my life for exercise, sleep, meditation, prayer, and reading.  If I took care of me, I could take care of others. My journey started, why wait and why not now?     I could be an entrepreneur and set my own schedule.  Why not me and why not now?  I was very connected and a hard worker. Why not be the own CEO of my life in all areas? The possibilities seemed endless.

I jumped, I started self-care and I resigned.  I bought an expensive weighted blanket (Bearsby Weighted Blanket) and a new mattress as part of my self-care routine.  I started my day with my latte from new coffee maker (self-care), prayer and meditation along with stretching and yoga in the morning.  I sipped my lemon water after workout.      I felt lighter and free.  

I started my own commercial real estate business and had calls from everyone wanting to help me.  People believed in me.  I believed in me.   Suddenly, people came out of the woodwork to tell me how inspired they were and asked me what made the difference. I said it was simple, I wanted to wake up every day overseeing every part of life. I finally believed, I am a confidant professional who is strategic and intuitive and invites other to enjoy life and live with passion.  

My girls saw mom (me) making a huge shift, they started to shift.  Everyone in the family started doing “self-care” and loving themselves.   Everyone in the entire family started getting happier and happier.  I have not made a million dollars, YET.  It is coming, I can feel it. I do know this, I feel like a million dollars, thank you Covid 19 for showing me what is most important.